Tips for Making Natural Red Lips

Tips for Making Natural Red Lips

Red lips will help increase your confidence. One way to redden the lips is to apply lipstick on the lips. Lipstick has become a mandatory item for women if they want to dress up.

Ladies, having red lips is certainly a dream for every woman. Red lips will help increase your confidence. One way to redden the lips is to apply lipstick on the lips. Lipstick has become a mandatory item for women if they want to dress up. In the use of make-up will always use lipstick.

Lipstick has indeed become a way to instantly redden your lips, but do you know that there are dangers lurking. This is because lipstick is made of chemicals.

How to redden lips is often sought after by some women, both by Indonesian women and women abroad. But be careful if you read some tips that present how to redden your lips if you end up having to use scientific ingredients that can be harmful to health. As we know, having naturally rosy red lips is the pride of every woman, even some women want the appearance of red lips without having to apply lipstick. But unfortunately, not all women can realize this desire.

Obstacles that exist when we apply how to redden lips are blackish stains that are annoying due to sunlight factors or incompatibility with various lip cosmetics that can make lips darken. Not to mention if these problems are added to your dry and peeling lips, it will be very difficult to have soft and moist red lips. But don't be discouraged because JFD has already prepared the secret for you!

5 Ways to Redd Your Lips Naturally

The attractiveness of a smile can really be supported by clean and well-groomed teeth, as well as healthy lips. That's why there are so many lip beauty products ranging from lipsticks to moisturizers to present the lips for a better smile. There are many kinds of lipstick, but you still want to know how to naturally redden your lips. Let what? So that when you look no make up, you don't look pale and dull.

The skin on the lips is actually more sensitive and smoother than the skin on the face. Because they don't have sweat glands, lips need special care every day to keep them moisturized and look healthy. Well, healthy lips are synonymous with red. Hence, many products that offer claims can be a way to redden lips naturally.

  1. Diligently scrub your lips by rubbing them in the shower after brushing your teeth so you can remove dead skin on lips that are already moist because moist lips will be very comfortable polished with lipstick than dry lips that have never been scrubbed
  2. Apply honey because honey is believed to be a natural ingredient for rouge lips. Applying organic honey or honey that does not contain sugar after bathing or before going to bed is the best way to naturally redden your lips.
  3. Eat fresh fruits that are rich in vitamins A and C such as apples, oranges, watermelons, and so on because the lips also need nutrients from within. Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages because the effect is not good for your lips.
  4. Others way to redden the lips is to use a lip balm with sun protection because UV rays are one of the factors that cause dark lips.
  5. The last thing is to use lip beauty products that are safe and have been registered in healthy cosmetics issued by the Health Agency, don't be fooled by fake brands and cheap prices because the lip rouge may contain lead and other harmful ingredients.
  6. Avoid smoking. Because the nicotine in cigarettes causes blood vessels to shrink and constrict, reducing blood flow and depriving the skin of the oxygen and nutrients it needs to stay healthy and supple. Well, this lack of blood flow makes the melanin in the teeth and gums darken.
  7. Vitamin E Capsules. Not only for skin and hair, vitamin E has many benefits as a way to naturally redden lips. These capsules can be easily found in the market. All you have to do in using vitamin E as a way to naturally redden your lips, just break the capsule, then apply it evenly on your lips until your lips are hydrated and look healthy.
  8. Don't use lipstick too often. Lipstick can indeed hide your black lip color, but do you know that lipstick is also what makes it black? There are several substances in lipstick that make lips black, dry, and cracked. In the way to naturally redden lips, try to choose a safe lipstick and balance it with other treatments.
  9. Lemon and glycerin mask. If you have dry, flaky and black-pigmented lips, these two ingredients are ideal in how to naturally redden your lips. Glycerin is ideal for moisturizing, and lemon acts as a natural lightener.