Daily Exercise Tips

Daily Exercise Tips

When you start exercising on a daily basis, it is often hard to know what the best exercises are. You might be wondering if certain muscle groups need more or less attention and just how much exercise will make your body look fit. So we have compiled some information that can provide you with a good starting point for daily exercise as well as tips and advice on picking the best program.

When you start exercising on a daily basis, it is often hard to know what the best exercises are. You might be wondering if certain muscle groups need more or less attention and just how much exercise will make your body look fit. So we have compiled some information that can provide you with a good starting point for daily exercise as well as tips and advice on picking the best program.

Types of Exercise

There are many different forms of physical activity, but only three that have been proven over time effective for losing weight and gaining fitness. They include cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise, strength training, and stretching/flexibility training. There are also specific types within these categories such as jogging to increase cardiovascular fitness or weight lifting to add muscle to your body and make it appear leaner.

It is best to incorporate all three types of exercise into your daily program. You can alternate the days you work out, or choose one type per day (across all weeks) and make this a routine part of your life. Whichever method you choose, just make sure that you do something every day so that you are getting better results faster!

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is very effective in burning calories, but also helps strengthen the heart and lungs. There are many different choices within this category, each offering an advantage such as using different muscle groups or having little impact on joints. All cardiovascular exercises should be done for at least 20 minutes at a time to start, which can be increased as you are able to. The following is a list of cardiovascular exercises that can help get your weight loss started:

  • Biking. Try biking at the local trail or in an empty parking lot instead of driving during your lunch break. You can combine this exercise with friends for social interaction as well!
  • Dancing. Dancing is a fun way to get exercise. You can dance at home alone, or sign up for a class. There are also instructional videos available on the Internet that you can follow along with and practice dance moves in your living room!
  • Inline Skating. Roller blading is another option within this category. To avoid getting hurt always wear protective gear such as elbow pads and knee pads while skating on rough terrain.
  • Stair Climbing. Add some intensity to your workout by climbing stairs instead of using the elevator or escalator at work, and walk up any flights you have to take at other times throughout the day. This will strengthen themuscles in your legs and burn a lot of calories.
  • Outdoor Activities Cycling, hiking and walking are all fun activities you can do outside. They will strengthen your leg muscles and give you an opportunity to enjoy the fresh air as well as nature. Hiking will also improve your overall strength and endurance, which is always a welcome side effect from working out!
  • Break dancing. This mix of hip-hop dance moves involves intricate footwork that works both the legs and torso while simultaneously building up stamina in those areas. Break dancing classes are offered at some gyms around the country, but it's just as easy to learn the moves on your own by watching online videos for instruction! Finding other dancers or friends to practice with also makes the experience more fun and motivating.
  • Tennis. It may seem a bit odd to dance on the court, but tennis is actually a great workout! Your legs will be strengthened through short sprints, lateral movement across the court (such as sidesteps) and lunges, along with lots of twisting. Tennis players are often known for their killer abs from all that abdominal work they do while on the court!
  • Aerobic exercise. If you want to hurt yourself quick...you might want to try anaerobic exercises! Anaerobic exercises require very little exertion or endurance and can only be sustained for up to about four minutes at maximum capacity. These activities include things like weightlifting , jump roping and sprinting.

This is great for the first day, but what about following the rest of your seven-day exercise program? Well, I have a solution for that as well incorporate cross training! Cross training refers to performing different exercises that work on different muscle groups so one muscle group can recover while you are working out another part of your body which makes it an excellent way to mix up your workout routine!

What other things will help my daily exercise tips lose weight become more successful?

  • You must set goals for yourself -- are you looking to change by losing ten pounds in a month or are you aiming to run a 10K race? Write down these goals (and post them on refrigerator) to remind yourself of what you're trying to accomplish.
  • Find a workout buddy, someone who will motivate and encourage you as well as help keep you accountable for your workouts! A friend or family member will do just fine, but if you have a hard time getting out of the house in the morning for exercise, it might be a good idea to join an early-morning fitness group with people that are also looking to improve their overall health!
  • Make sure not to overdo it! Workouts should be fun so don't force yourself into doing something that is causing injury or pain. If it's too much for your body the first day, take a day or two off. Your body needs time to recover after a workout and you don't want to run the risk of injuring yourself before you even get started!
  • Use your workouts as an excuse for shopping! This may not be the most ideal thing in the world, but if it works for you, go ahead and do it! You really can't tell me that shopping doesn't sound fun right about now...just saying.
  • Do some planning! Having a plan is definitely important when starting out with a new type of exercise because this will help keep you motivated and on track. It's not always easy to motivate yourself just from reading posts on Facebook or talking with friends who are also looking for ways to lose weight.
  • Don't let the scale control you! You should only be using it as a tool, not something that makes you feel like crap when you see those numbers reaching up higher and higher. Take your measurements instead. It's much easier to watch your body change for the better if you're using this method rather than the number on that scale!
  • Try something new every now and then...and do more of what works. Yes, variety is definitely key when it comes to fitness.